L’Officiel, the 97-year-old French luxury fashion and lifestylemagazine owned by the Jalou family, has relaunched in Dubai with L’Officiel Arabiaandlofficielarabia.com.In partnership with CHALK Media and Jalou Media Group, L’Officiel Arabiais targeted at both Arabic and non-Arabic speaking women with a flair for high end fashion.The region’s growth in the fashion and luxury markets has been acatalyst in the revival of thisprestigious title.PublishedbyChalk Media, the L’Officiel Arabia team will be led by Editor-in-Chief,BobaStanic, who boasts a 15-year career in arts, culture and fashion in the Netherlands and theUAE. A highly regarded architect, with a successful design business in Amsterdam, Boba hascollaborated with a variety of international designers, studios and museums throughout hismulti-faceted career, and frequently speaks on a variety of art and culture seminars andworkshops across the globe.Today L’Officiel is the global voice for lifestyle culture, combining data, technology andstorytelling to connect brands to the widest and best targeted premium audience.L’OfficielArabia will join the digital network of L’Officielwith lofficielarabia.com with the first printedition published in February 2019.A combined English & Arabic issues with 10 issues per year, the magazine will be distributedthroughout Middle East, with an editorial mix of locally produced content alongwithsyndicated copy from L’Officiel Paris and other international editions.“We are extremely excited about our association with Jalou Media Group and with the digitallaunch of lofficielarabia.comwhich happened in October 2018andlaunch of theprintissue inFebruary 2019”, said Chalk Media’sManaging Director, Sidharth Saigal.“L’Officiel Arabia isset to provide the Middle East’s digital consumer with an unrivalled insight into the latestregional and international luxury fashion and lifestyle newsand features, as well as access tothe global L’Officiel brand through its unique ‘cloud’ feature format available in both Arabicand English.”L’Officiel & L’Officiel Hommes is a multichannel
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